Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Marketing ones' self - the dreaded Newsletter - or at least my attempt at one such.

I've been staring at this template for now a week, trying to draft some sort of newsletter in regards to announcing my venturing out into the Professional Mixed Media Artist space and upcoming faires/events I will be at and other tidbits of information to market myself.

I read in one of the dozen + books I have on owning your own studio/business/Craft related is that newsletters are a great way to help foster interest in your particular flavor of craft.  It can be used to educate, promote, demonstrate, show off (aka a gallery section) and update your current clientele and future clients.

That in mind, I am drawing a complete and utter blank on what to even say.

I know some of the components/sections of the Newsletter - an Open house jewelry party in the middle of November for example.  The Refer a friend program I want to start.  The Founders club - those folks who have been with me since pretty much the start or close enough, and a how to - take care of Sterling earrings/wires.  And last but not least a article - Why order custom work instead of buying something off the shelf or in a retail store.  

BUT the words just don't want to flow out. 

Funny, I can do my blogs but I just can't seem to write my newsletter.

Anyway - For today's gallery - Three more custom cards (yesterday's inspirations)

This is a birthday card - I really love hand painting with metalic inks

I had a ball with this one.  This was completely outside my style and I wanted to push my element style a bit more.

I hope she really likes her card 
(this is for my daughter actually for her birthday)
Tomorrow since today is Jewelry creation day, the pictures will be for whatever comes out of the inspiration of making my daughters Bridal jewelry.  I have a few earring and bracelet ideas on the boards already, but nothing yet that pops and says This is the one.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Coming a little late to the table - Wandering and Babblings of an Artist.

Some folks say I am a bit crazy for taking my semi-professional hobby and turning it into a full time vocation/business.

Some even say I am setting myself up for failure.  I don't know.  What I do know is that I have not completely formulated exactly what it is I am going to be doing here with the business, other than some basics;

Designing and offering for sale customized items.  

Which includes
  • Jewelry (Necklaces, bracelets, earrings)
  • Cards (Birthday, Holiday, Wedding, Sympathy, Get Well, etc)
  • Decorative Accessories (Beaded Wind chimes/mobiles)
  • Rosaries (I love doing custom designs here, since I believe prayer is very personal)
  • Paper Craft (wrapping paper, bags, tags)
  • Affirmation Cards and sets (Customized for your growth)
  • Wedding Paper Craft
  • Bridal (Jewelry, Veils, hair pieces)
  • Coaching Aids (cards, phrases, packets)
  • One of a kind Necklaces, bracelets and earrings
  • Self Exploration Scrapbooks/Journals
  • Unique Fabric wearable art
One of the things that has become very clear is that my style is staged in a way to allow me to do customized pieces, truly unique designs that are not like others but still fall within the mainstream and desirable.

Leave you with a sample of this weekend's custom work