Thursday, June 19, 2014

Reality Shock --- what happens when you realize you just don't have enough made

Though it was a good one to have, still a shock.  It all started because I needed to clean up my tags on my listings on Etsy.  Right now I have 172 items active up in VampkittyDesigns and you know I have been very proud of getting that many posted.  I still have a lot of necklace sets to take pictures of but managed to get the majority of all the earrings I had made up on the store.  But thinking of adding 1 new tag to 172 listings, well I wasn't thrilled.

Did a bit of research, downloaded the free trial version and fell in love with BEtsi.  This new tool is the BOMB to help me with my listings on Etsy.  I found it not only adds Tags in bulk, I could clean up, re-organize, find my misspelled tags, and standardized on verbiage used in tags.  And I did that in less than 3 hours.

I haven't tried the other parts of the tool yet, but suffice to say, this just saved me hundreds of hours.  Anyway back to my reason for the posting.  One of the features it has is to tally up quickly your stock and how much inventory do you have up in the Store, the fees (Etsy and Paypal) and net worth.

That was the shell shock.  Only $6,000+ dollars of merchandise is up in the store.  That is NOT going to work... not at all.

So it is scramble to make more and get the remaining necklace set backlog cataloged, pictured and posted.

Tomorrow is picture day for about 30 pairs of earrings and 20 necklace sets... Tidbits of what is to come below (taken with my phone camera)


  1. I can't believe you're going to photograph that many pieces in one day. My hat's off to you!

    1. Thank you, the wind was not cooperative so I am getting up in the morning early when it is not windyhot

  2. The photography and descriptions for online selling is huge. I often wonder if people realize how much works goes into getting one item up on line. Having tools to make it easier is such a gift.!

    1. It seems like a real good tool. I am actually impressed with the usability of it. Heck the visual of all the tags under one stop actually made me realize how to standardize on spellings. And the developer is really awesome in responding quickly.
