First one in the queue
K1a - wanted Irises - it's for a birthday card.
I had three ideas, of which each is progressing along, but I am starting to lean towards idea two.
Idea one - A popup garden with Irises.
I have pieces started: It's an open box fold that I modified to add a yellow gate to. So far none of the irises are small enough to actually fit nicely. Though I have a punch to create day lilies that I am working on modifying the petals to be parrot iris style. It's cute... but .... I think I might put this idea to the side so I can focus on the other two.
Idea two - Paper Stain Glass pieces on a Gatefold card style. I really love how this turned out. I was a bit concern because I didn't think I had enough marble paper in different colors to make this work. My husband absolutely loved how this looks.
Idea three - Painted stain glass on vellum paper. I am still pursuing this but found that I need to get a sealant for the gelato pigment ink. I love the blending of these inks but I can't get the texturing I want for stain glass look. Someone suggested in a group that I paint it on crumbled tissue paper, which works really well with the pigment inks when you blend them. I should be able to at least finish this version today to see how it looks once it is mounted completely on the frame. The idea here is to make an acetate backing for this to sit on so you can hang this in a window and get a mini stain glass affect. And given that I want to make it into a four panel frame card style with window cutouts for the pieces to free float in.
Items being used in these designs:
Frantic Stamper Precision Die - Iris Stained Glass
Hot of the Press - Sarabooks Amethyst
Hot of the Press - Sarabooks Emerald
Hot of the Press - Sarabooks Sapphire
NIP 2013 Memory Box Estate Fence die
NIP 1992 PSX K-040 Iris Iridaceae mounted rubber stamp
NIP Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist Pop Rocks
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